Abgeschickt von Christian L. am 31 Januar, 2002 um 18:32:15:
Antwort auf: 1043 cc von Matz Rosenquist am 31 Januar, 2002 um 14:27:15:
Hello Matz.
In my opinion it is a matter of technical regulations concerning the import of a bike from a EU member country in to Sweden.
And about how Sweden is dealing and /or accepting technical regulations from EU member states.
You must make a difference for the "Gutachten". There are two of them.
First, it was all at national levels.
But with the introduction of harmonised testing procedures at the EU level, things have changed considerably.
Check what you have. If you have a German "ABE" (Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis valid only at a national level) or a "EU-ABE".
"EU-ABE" was introduced (as legal matter) around 1997.
The "EU-ABE" clearly states that the vehicle or part bearing it is legal in every EU member state!
To my understanding, if the 1042 kit has "EU-ABE", your authorities are at fault if they deny you the import of this bike.
For further advice, I would suggest that you contact SMC (Sveriges Motorcycklisters Centralorganisation).
Email is (smc@svmc.se). The central office is at Mora, phone # is +46-(0)-250-39500.
I remember that at the beginning of 2001, they was fighting this issue with the Swedish government.
At that moment, I wrote an extended report for SMC about the practices of registration and roadworthiness testing here in Germany.
Hope to have given some help.
Christian L.