Abgeschickt von Eckhard am 06 Januar, 2005 um 19:54:57
Antwort auf: Re: Best engine kit for r100gs von 1043 ccm vergleichswunsch am 06 Januar, 2005 um 16:05:47:
Here in a short form my experience with some 1043 cc engines with stock intake and stock exhaust:
The short 1043 cc cylinders from Israel are hpn cylinders (Mahle make the short 1043 cc cylinders exclusively for hpn, so all others get them from hpn).
With the long cylinders IMHO the pistons are to heavy. That means, the engine runs smoother with the short cylinders and the light pistons.
Dual ignition is good, but not really necessary in all cases. The higher the compression rate, so much important is the dual ignition.
Camshaft is the eternal question. In a stock or mild customized engine you get up to 5 percent more high end power with the “sport” camshaft. And you lost low end torque! Anyway, with the stock camshaft you will have a more high torque level, especially from 4000 to 5000 rpm. So, you have to decide.
Certainly others will have different experiences…
: Really? Is there a noticable difference between the 1043 ccm HPN and, perhaps, the 1043 ccm setup sold by e.g. Motoren Israel? Would be nice to get some knowledge about that. And what else need to be done? Dual Ignition, I think. What about the camshaft?
: : : What's the best engine tune kit for my r100gs?
: : : I've seen hpn, siebenrock, wudo, fallert,and more, what's kit do the best reliability and power for my bike?
: : : Thanks to all.
: : There is no substitute for cubic inches = hpn (1043 ccm)!
: : Eckhard