Abgeschickt von Paul am 22 Januar, 2007 um 17:48:10:
Antwort auf: Re: Was bitte? von Sven am 22 Januar, 2007 um 16:33:24:
wow, Dirk is super
lets have a look to the link below
he pretends, that he has a lot of theese camshafts. call him or mail him. you get the same answer. he promised, that he will send you one ore more parts next days.
but who will wait endless time?
not me...
and now? all given away, wow... ask him for asymetric ones, maybe he has one or two in an old box ;-)
: : As for Edelweiss Motorsport I had a conversation with Dirk recently about the camshafts but they had all been given (!) away!!!
: : As usual I was too late!
: : Rgds
: : Mr MR