Abgeschickt von micha am 23 Januar, 2007 um 10:24:49:
Antwort auf: Re: Nockenwelle(n) von Matz Rosenquist am 22 Januar, 2007 um 09:53:34:
Hi Matz,
contact Norbert of the Boxer-Shop in Krefeld phone +49 2151 477932 . Normally he is well sorted in used parts and didn't try to cheat.
: Hi Yeti!
: : - " http://www.hpn.de/ > 49 8571 5300 > info@hpn.de " and here
: : - " http://www.siebenrock.com/ > 49 7024 468810 > info@siebenrock.com " ?
: My thought was to get hold of used camshafts. I've tried the Siebenrock 320 and found it very "cost effective" and would suit my needs very good. Thing is that SR have none in stock and can't state a time of delivery. The HPN is very good but costly......
: Hence me looking for used parts!
: Rgds
: Mr MR