Abgeschickt von Marcel am 13 Februar, 2002 um 13:27:08:
Antwort auf: Re: macht nix von stefan am 12 Februar, 2002 um 11:08:11:
: : : How many miles did you drive your bike ?
: It`s a `92 PD, black, 156.000km up to now, to get more "cow" character to the engine (to make the engine "kuhiger"), I changed a few month ago the piston (now RS piston) and installed the 320° HPN camshaft. it is great! during the following 150.000km I will have much more fun.
: and your GS?
: regards, muhgruss stefan
I don't have a GS, but a 83 R100 drove it 167.000 km.
About the oil temp. I always thought that at 150 Degrees C. the oil didn't lubricate anymore, and the oil would oxydize very fast