Abgeschickt von Christian L. am 13 Maerz, 2006 um 12:41:29:
Antwort auf: HP2 gas tank von jim carducci am 13 Maerz, 2006 um 03:39:43:
Hello Jim.
From the context, I read that you are looking to contact the company HPN. To do this and ask your question, please send an email to (info@hpn.de). You should get an answer from the company HPN.
Where you are now is the HPN-Forum. This is a forum of owners, afficionados and friends of HPN motorcycles. The forum is kindly hosted and run by the company HPN. It is not moderated and in German language.
From time to time, the forum gets questions from outside Germany ;-) and there always would be somebody who is able to answer in english language.
Main focus of the HPN-Forum are technical questions, trouble shooting and transformations of BMW 2valve G/S and GS'es.
In 2002, member of the forum wanted to become to know each other and organised the first HPN Forum-Treffen (gathering) in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) region. Since then, it has been held every year in the month of May.
You should find pictures from the consecutive Forum-Treffen at Jörg's Motorcycle Pages (http://homepage.sunrise.ch/mysunrise/joerg.hau/mot/index.htm).
Best wishes from Old Europe ;-)
Ride safe,
Christian L.