Abgeschickt von Christian L. am 08 Juni, 2005 um 09:45:06:
Antwort auf: Change r100gs 94 Valeo starter with Bosch It's possible??? von Matteo am 07 Juni, 2005 um 19:56:34:
Hello Matteo.
You don't describe what happened to your VALEO. The most usual failure with our VALEAO's is that the magnets in the rear part come off the casing and are disintegretad by the rotating motor parts.
Some people try to make a repair by glueing them back to the casing again. In fact, here the difference to the BOSCH is obvious. In the BOSCH, the magnets are held by a screw.
The other difference is, that the VALEO has a kind of gear drive in the front part what the BOSCH doesn't have.
The VALEO starter motor is widely used in cars.
Our colleague Lupus just recently has published a list (see link below) about which cars to look for.
Very common for example is the OPEL Kadett '94, you must look for a VALEO DR6A.
You might find one of these VALEO's at a scrapyard.
Separate the two parts (front, gear drive part and back, motor part) of your BMW starter motor by unscrewing the 3 Allen Screws and drilling the 2 aluminium rivets out.
Now, you can clean and service the front part of your original starter motor (silicone "grease" says the handbook!) and reassemble it with the rear part from this car VALEO starter motor.
This is a repair what many people do.
Wish you good luck. And give a message about what you finally did.
Christian L.