Abgeschickt von Uioas am 12 Juni, 2007 um 17:03:26
Antwort auf: Ignition coil? von Joerg am 09 Juni, 2007 um 18:49:51:
: Ciao alberto,
: : my mechanic says my bike might need a telefunken kind of device...
: : sorry but i can't find the english word for it!
: The only Telefunken parts that I'm aware of is the ignotion module, but that's unlikely to be the source of your problem:
: : the problem is that the right cylinder spark does not receive any electric current
: ... that indicates a problem with the ignition coil or its wiring. If your bike still has the old "grey" ignition coil, it is probably brokeb (literally?) as shown in the photo ...
: The solution is to get e.g. the coil of the later airheads, or *any* dual ignition coil from the next car junkyard.
: : please help me ride my bike back before winter comes!
: Well, I presume that the problem can be solved until then ;-)
: Cheers from sunny Lausanne,
: - Joerg