Abgeschickt von bezetausbo am 10 September, 2004 um 07:29:39:
Antwort auf: Adding a second brake disc on a R80G/S von Ben Gueroult am 09 September, 2004 um 23:43:54:
Hi !
So nobody is answering I will try to:-) I don`t know if there is any chance to have a second brake at the front by an `85 G/S. In the past I´ve heard about the change from complete GS forks into the G/S frame ( + GS front wheel) and then you have the possibility to take a new left side from "spiegler"( or others ???) to mount a second brake at the bike.
Next winter I will rebuild my "doublebrakingfork"
to change to the in this forum much lauded "HE Braking disk" and therefor I will sell all parts in very good condition.
regards from Bochum !