Abgeschickt von Matz Rosenquist am 23 Oktober, 2001 um 17:49:48
Antwort auf: bremse: spiel mal o.k. mal schlecht von matthias am 21 Oktober, 2001 um 20:58:44:
: kennt jemand die erscheinung , daß entweder der bremsdruck am hebel sofort da ist, also fast ohne großes spiel
Sorry Ladies and Gents, no German in writing!
I've read and understood most of the comments regarding the different pressurepoints of the brakelever.
I've experienced the same problem and the solution was very simple. I was racing my R80 G/S and decided to improve the braking by bleeding the brakes and add some new brakefluid. While in a hurry I tightened the screws to the cover to much, compressing the rubbergromet inside the oilreservoir. By doing this I squezzed the venthole in the rubbergromet. Result was a too large retracting of the pistons in the caliper. Alas pressure point went closer to the handlebar. Loosen the coverscrews and problem was solved.
HPN G/S 1000 #3