Abgeschickt von Matz Rosenqvist am 28 Oktober, 2005 um 09:04:14
Antwort auf: R100 GS + R1100 swingarm & wheel von Matz Rosenquist am 25 Oktober, 2005 um 22:09:18:
: Can any of you esteemed HPN'ers please tell me how you have solved this issue.
Thanks for your help! Also moving the engine to the right in the frame plus respoking the wheel setting the rim offset would do the trick.
Thanks to all who gave me information!!
While I'm at it, at which height do you set the upper end of the shockabsorber??
I have studied pictures and have a vague idea, but is there anyone who can give me the actual figure?
who's off for a 200 km ride on the HPN today.