Abgeschickt von Matz Rosenquist am 10 Dezember, 2002 um 09:45:11
Antwort auf: vogelkäfig von oelzeug am 08 Dezember, 2002 um 15:52:34:
Hi Oelzeug and All!
: ich möchte mir einen vogelkäfig bauen
I'm not too sure about my German but I think this has got something to do with a birdcage! Right?
If so, MY personal birdcage is an 1959 - 1961 Maserati Tipo 60/61 Birdcage!!!
Have a look at http://www.ultimatecarpage.com/ and you'll eventually find information plus a few pictures.
Now, chaps, THAT is a birdcage!
I don't know what the tubedimensions are, sorry!