HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature |
01.03.18 09:10
HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
Hello my friends!!
The first of all, sorry for my English level, i am from spain, and i love my hp2 Enduro.
recently i bought a Hpn fuel tank, but i have a big problem with oil motor temperatura. i had adaptation the original oil cooler but isn't suficient.
Can you help me ,pleased?
I send a email HpN, asking for de oil cooler kit but i haven't answer
thank very much my funny friends!!
01.03.18 20:47

Re: HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
Hello, the HPN guys are not very fast in answering e-mails. Try it with a phone call. Perhaps here is another HP2 Rider who can help you.
Best regards
02.03.18 14:48
Re: HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
Thank for your answer!!
Yesterday i was speaking with them, but my english level is regular, they said they will found my email, today i called them but de phone was off.
On monday i will call again.
best regards
03.03.18 09:49

Re: HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
I also have the HPN fuel tank on my HP2 combined with the HPN oil cooler. The oil temperature is slightly higher (one bar on the display) compared to the original fuel tank and oil cooler, in normal use without any problems. In realy hard offroad/trial riding in low speed the temperature exceeds the indication range on the display and the engine begins to jingle a bit.
Also with the HPN oil cooler kit the cooling is limited.
Best regards,
05.03.18 13:17
Re: HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
With HPn oil cooler the temperatura is high too?
We have a problema....... same day, when i go with my bike to 140 Km/h, the temperature is high!!
What is the best solution?
05.03.18 14:55

Re: HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
Hei tododepende1,
i remember me, only one time i had a problem with motortemperature: after some maintenance of ignitiontiming the temperature has become correctly. Its only my experience with 8 BMW's 2V within some 100 000 Kilometers and i never used an oilcooler.
@ARAL:wird die Temperatur jetzt in bar gemessen?
Good luck Peter
05.03.18 15:49

Re: HPN fuel tank and problem with temperature
TT-Peter: @ARAL:wird die Temperatur jetzt in bar gemessen?
... Du hast aber schon gemerkt, dass es hier um eine HP2 geht? Da ist "bar" sozusagen richtig, denn es geht um Striche auf dem dicketalen Dischplay :-)
Muhgruss aus leicht-diesig-bis-Sonne,
- Joerg
-- Meine Mopedseiten | 1990er BMW R80GS und K100LT | Meine Firma